Permit Types

Municipal Consent - County of Lennox & Addington

Municipal Consent is the municipality’s authorization for a utility to occupy a specific location(s) within the municipalities right-of-way. Municipal Consent will only be issued to utility companies, commissions, agencies, other municipalities, or private applicants who have a municipal access agreement with the municipality applied to. The project of adding or modifying the plant is often subject to a Work in Right-of-Way permit.


OO Annual - County - Lennox & Addington ($300.0 /per hauling unit)

An Oversize/Overweight Annual Permit (O/O Annual) allows for the hauling of oversize/overweight loads during the period permitted, as defined by the Highway Traffic Act (HTA), that are within the specified maximum weights and dimensions permitted, and that are also subject to seasonal, fixed and temporary load restrictions.


OO Trip - County - Lennox & Addington ($100.00 /per load)

An Oversize/Overweight Load - Trip Permit (OO Trip) is required for the transportation of a load(s) that exceeds the limits prescribed in the Highway Traffic Act (HTA), on a specific day(s), on a specific route, that is not already allowed for by a current Oversize/Overweight Load - Annual Permit (OO Annual).
